Meet the Partners
CONNECTOR has 17 project partners from across the European Union as well as from
Switzerland and Moldova. The consortium consists of:
5 small and medium sized enterprises
3 research, university and non-profit organisations
1 large enterprise
1 state owned consultancy
1 state owned consultancy
1 state owned consultancy

Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Research, university and non-profit organisations
Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Customs authorities
Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Border and coast guard authorities
Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:
Management Structure, Coordination and Project Management (T1.1)
Quality Assurance and Risk Management (T1.2)
Design of Adaptors for Interconnection (T3.3)
CONNECTOR adaptors, Interoperability with Legacy systems (T4.2)
Adaptations of C2 (T4.5)
Integration Platform Definition (T5.2)
Factory and Trial Acceptance Tests (T5.4)

Based in Finland, LAUREA is the lead for “Operational Landscape Analysis & Requirements Definition“(Work Package 2) and Task Leader for:
Research Ethics, Legal and Societal Management (T1.4)
Analysis of Ethics Compliance and Legal Landscape (T2.2)
Use Cases, Scenarios and Trial Definition (T2.5)
Trials’ Assessment & Lessons learnt (T6.5)

Based in Greece, CERTH serves as the lead for “Technical Design and High Level Architecture” (Work Package 3) and the Task Leader for:
Technical and Innovation Management (T1.3)
Design of Data Fusion Principles and Algorithms (T3.5)
Development of Data Fusion Module (T4.4)
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)

The Italian based Leonardo Group (LDO) is the lead for “CONNECTOR System Development” (Work Package 4) and Task Leader for:
CONNECTOR System Architecture (T3.6)
Data Lake Platform (T4.1)
System Configuration (5.3)
Leonardo Group

Based in Romania, SIMAVI is the lead for “System Integration and Technical Verification” (Work Package 5). SIMAVI is also the Task Leader for:
System Functionalities and Technical Specifications Definition (T3.2)
Data, Sensor, Tools, Services Integration (T5.1)

The Spanish ISDEFE is the lead for “Demonstration, Testing and Operational Validation” (Work Package 6) and Task Leader for:
Analysis of Common Operational Landscape and Data Sources (T2.1)
Operational Needs and Requirements Definition (T2.3)
Operational Trial Planning (T6.1)
Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España S.A.(ISDEFE)

The Swiss based CBRA is the lead for “Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation & Market Uptake” (Work Package 7) and the Task leader for:
Risk Assessment and Decision Support Mechanisms (T2.4)
Planning & Implementation of Communication & Dissemination activities (T7.1)
Exploitation, Market Uptake & Patenting activities (T7.2)
Stakeholder Group and Ecosystem Development (T7.4)
Cross-border Research Association (CBRA)

Based in Ireland, MDS lends customs and border management specific advice. MDS also has responsibilities for project security.
MD Customs and Security Border Services (MDS)

Based in Greece, inlecom is the Task Leader for:
Synthetic Data, Simulated Databases Establishment (T3.1)
Design of Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools and Algorithms (T3.4)
Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools Development (T4.3)
Inlecom Innovation

Based in Finland, WOC is the Task Leader for:
Standardisation Activities and Policy Recommendations (7.3)
Woitsch Consulting (WOC)

The Romanian Border Police is a project end-user and also the Task Leader for the:
Romania-Moldova Land Trial (T6.3)
Inspectoratul General a Poliției de Frontieră al Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (ITPFT)

The Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova is a project end-user.
Serviciul Vamal al Republicii Moldova (SVRM)

The Moldovan Border Police is a project end-user.
Inspectoratul General a Poliției de Frontieră al Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Moldova (IGPF)

The Bulgarian Border Police is a project end-user.
Glavna Direktsia Granichna Politsia (CDBP)

The Hellenic Police is a project end-user and also the Task Leader for:
Transnational Trial (T6.4)
Hellenic Police

The Spanish Tax Agency (including Customs) is a project end-user and the Task Leader for:
Spanish Maritime Trial (T6.2)