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Innovation 3: Common Risk Assessment tools & Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Authorities responsible for Integrated Border Management (IBM) in the EU already have risk assessment processes and systems in place to protect citizens from a set of risks, although they are owned and operated separately.

CONNECTOR will introduce a shared risk assessment mechanism, correlating different risk indicators that will enable the automatic exchange of data and sharing of risk assessment outcomes. The ultimate scope of CONNECTOR will be to design, adapt and integrate the necessary elements for the Risk Assessment and Natural Language Processing (NLP) components into the final technological solution.

Service Description

Authorities responsible for Integrated Border Management (IBM) in the EU already have risk assessment processes and systems in place to protect citizens from a set of risks, although they are owned and operated separately.

CONNECTOR will introduce a shared risk assessment mechanism, correlating different risk indicators that will enable the automatic exchange of data and sharing of risk assessment outcomes. The ultimate scope of CONNECTOR will be to design, adapt and integrate the necessary elements for the Risk Assessment and Natural Language Processing (NLP) components into the final technological solution.

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Based in Greece, SATWAYS is the Project Leader with responsibilities for “Project Management and Coordination” (Work Package 1). SATWAYS is also the the Task Leader for:

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